Open General is the fantastic, open-source Panzer General 2 remake of Luis Guzman. It has enormous flexibility for both players and creators whom want and dare to create their own "E-folders" for the base game. An E-folder is generally said a mod built on Guzman's OG engine. For those whom interested first visit Luis' site where everything needed to use OG could be found:
Open General a neve annak a Panzer General 2 "open-source" vltozatnak amit Luis Guzman ksztett. Hihetetlenl rugalmas mind szimpla jtkosok, mind pedig alkotni vgyk rszre, hiszen brki elksztheti hozz a maga lmodta "E-folder-t". Az E-folder gyakorlatilag egy sajt "mod", amit a tervez az Open General motorra pt. Akiket rdekel a dolog - akr csak jtszani, akr alkotni - azok ltogassk meg Luis oldalt, ahol minden lnyeges megtallhat az OG-val kapcsolatban (link a bekezds felett!)!
Xeno General Complete
Xeno General is my own e-folder for Open General. Instead of the common WW1-2 e-folders one may usually find for OG XG features alien forces, sci-fi story and other unearthy stuffs. It is a Complete version as it includes everything: 19 campaigns, 20 playable scenarios, descriptive unitpedia for all ingame units and so on... However note that this version needs the latest OG package (version not older than summer of 2019!) and an OS what is SDL2 capable (or the graphic card must be SDL2 supportive)! Also note that the zip unpack itself into a separate e-folder you must copy in your OG's main folder to be able to play it!
Xeno General az n sajt e-knyvtram az Open Generalhoz. Az ltalnosan fellelhet 1.-2. vilghbors e-knyvtraktl eltren ez idegeneket s egyb fantasztikus elemeket tartalmaz. Komplett verzi, hiszen mindent tartalmaz, ami csak szksges: 19 hadjrat, 20 nll kldets, egysg enciklopdia s ms hasonlak. Ez a verzi a legjabb OG-t ignyli (legalbbis olyan verzit ami nem idsebb 2019 nyarnl) s SDL2 fgg (vagy az oprendszerednek vagy a grafikus krtydnak tmogatnia kell SDL2-t!). Tovbb a zip archvum kitmrtve egy nll mappba bont ki mindent s ezt a mappt kell az OG pldnyod fknyvtrba msolni, hogy jtszhass vele!
Fantasy General Complete
Fantasy General is a strongly fantasy-themed mod for OG. It features a re-implementation of the original SSI's Fantasy General campaign along with many other campaigns and skirmishes all set on Aer. However note that this version needs the latest OG package (version not older than summer of 2019!) and an OS what is SDL2 capable (or the graphic card must be SDL2 supportive)! Also note that the zip unpack itself into a separate e-folder you must copy in your OG's main folder to be able to play it!
A Fantasy General pontosan az, aminek hangzik, vagyis az eredeti SSI-fle rgi jtk feljtsa az OG-motorra. Emellet szmos msik hadjratot s kldetst is tartalmaz, eleget, hogy szabadon bejrhassa mindenki Aer vilgt! Ez a verzi a legjabb OG-t ignyli (legalbbis olyan verzit ami nem idsebb 2019 nyarnl) s SDL2 fgg (vagy az oprendszerednek vagy a grafikus krtydnak tmogatnia kell SDL2-t!). Tovbb a zip archvum kitmrtve egy nll mappba bont ki mindent s ezt a mappt kell az OG pldnyod fknyvtrba msolni, hogy jtszhass vele!