This website may surprise most of you. This is not a bad thing as I hope the contents of this site shall also surprise you positively. This impressum has no more purpose just to welcome you gently and kindly! The real contents could be reached through thematic pages listed on the left side. There you may find lots of things from BattleTech-related stuffs to nature themed photos. This is a generic and not a dedicated site, yes. And hope and wish that all visitors shall find something interesting here and will be impressed positively by the different kind of contents! Thanks all of you that you visited my website!
P.S.: Please, feed Sunyi, the spider!
Ez a weblap taln meglep sokakat, fleg azokat, akik mr rgebbrl is ismerik, de remlem nem fognak csaldni meglepetskben. Ennek az impresszumnak semmi ms feladata nincs, mint ksznteni mindenkit! A klnbz tartalmak tmk szerint csoportokba rendezve lelhetek fel a bal oldali menben. Itt aztn minden van, ez egy igen vegyes oldal, tudom, s pont ezrt nagyon remlem, minden kedves ltogat tall majd itt valamit, ami vgl a kedvre lesz. Ksznm ht mindenkinek, aki megltogatta ezt az oldalt!
U.I.: Krlek, etesstek Sunyit, a pkot!
This site relaunched at - Ez az oldal jra megindult:
29. of May, 2019 - 2019. mjus 29.-n
Revamped - Fellvizsglva:
8. of January, 2025 - 2025. janur 8.-n